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Building a Safe Foundation and Drawing a Safe Blueprint - Dongxin Fireworks launches a Safety Production Month activity

发布时间:2024-06-26 09:34 点击数:0

June 2024 is the 23rd National "Safety Production Month". Dongxin Fireworks actively responds to the deployment of regulatory authorities, with the theme of "everyone talks about safety, everyone knows emergency", and deeply implements various activities of the Safety Production Month, striving to create a safe and harmonious working environment.

Theoretical learning lays the foundation, and concepts deeply penetrate people's hearts

Dongxin Fireworks adheres to the core of "everyone emphasizes safety, everyone knows emergency". Through training and morning meetings, starting from theoretical learning, it organizes employees to deeply study safety production laws and regulations as well as internal safety rules and regulations.

At the same time, hang safety warning signs in prominent positions in the factory area. A brief and powerful warning message constantly reminds every employee to remember their safety responsibilities, strictly abide by operating procedures, deeply rooted in the concept of "safety first, prevention first" in the hearts of every employee, forming a good atmosphere of "I want safety, I will be safe", and creating a strong safety culture atmosphere.

Skill enhancement escort, smooth passage of life

By combining theory with practice, Dongxin Fireworks has carried out a series of emergency drills to ensure that each employee is proficient in emergency evacuation routes, fire extinguisher usage methods, and basic accident first aid skills. Through the drill, not only has the emergency response speed of employees been improved, but also the life passage in emergency situations has been unblocked, building a strong safety defense line for the factory area.

In addition, Dongxin Fireworks Group actively participated in the collection and broadcast of new media works on safety production organized by Yanxi Town. The Enterprise Propaganda Department, in collaboration with the Security Department, has created a series of excellent short video works with the theme of safety production in the factory workshop. These works are not only creative, but also visually demonstrate the importance and correct methods of safety production, and are highly praised by everyone.

Through a series of activities, the awareness of the importance of safety production among all employees in the company has been further enhanced, and the spirit of "Safety Production Month" has been internalized and externalized through practical actions. Dongxin Fireworks will continue to uphold the concept of safe development, steadily move forward on a safe waterway, build a strong safety defense line, and jointly draw a blueprint for safety.

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